My new favorite cookie: Oatmeal Coconut Crispies

I was looking for a recipe for some cookies for a cookie swap and turned to an old reliable source: the 1963 “Betty Crocker’s Cooky Book”. It’s the book I grew up with, that my sisters and I learned to cook with, and has fabulous photos of all the cookies. And they are all all kitchen-tested recipes, and not just some random recipe from a blog where key ingredients are left out, or key instructions are missing.

In any case, I was looking for something quick and tasty and this one caught my eye (and not just because I happened to have all the ingredients on hand), but because it uses regular white sugar AND brown sugar (like toll house cookies).

My photo shows the cookies drizzled with salted caramel candy coating, but next time I will leave it off. It’s just not necessary, though it does make them more attractive. Even then they are deceptively plain looking.

The formatted recipe includes the original Betty Crocker instructions. (below that you’ll see my notes)


Dolly’s notes:

I used 1 block of Crisco BUTTER FLAVORED Shortening and no butter or margarine.

I do the whole shebang in my Kitchen Aid mixer with the paddle. In the fridge and chilling in 5-10 minutes tops.

Use flaked coconut — regular, not sweetened. I got mine at Whole Foods. You can buy just what you need in bulk that way. It was finely shredded which was perfect.

I made square-ish ‘rolls’. Just a personal preference. Dough will want to flatten out on the bottom anyway. If you want round, use a paper towel or wrapping paper tube to help it hold it’s shape when chilling. Just slice it open and use it as a wrap.

I was in a bit of a rush, so I put the rolls into the freezer for an hour and a half and they were perfect for slicing.

I did not grease the pan because I *always* use parchment paper. I haven’t had a cookie stuck in years.

Make the dough up ahead of time. Once firm, cut the ‘rolls’ in half and put them in a ziploc bag, then you can have cookies in minutes. Probably fine to keep the dough in the fridge like that for a week. More than that and I’d freeze it.

The drizzle on mine is melted butterscotch chips, which goes wonderfully.